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ARB Applications






Owner Guidance and Documents​​


Article VIII, Section 6 of the Declaration explicitly states, in part, that all exterior alterations require the approval of the Architectural Review Board:

“Prior to construction or installation of any improvement, addition or alteration of a Lot or Structure, a written application (“Application”) must be filed with, and written approval obtained from, the ARB. Applications shall include plans and specifications, including, but not limited to, design, elevation views, material, shape, height, color and texture, and a site plan and/or house location survey showing the location of all improvements with grading and drainage modifications. Applications must be submitted by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to the ARB. The ARB reserves the right to require any additional information it deems reasonably necessary to properly process and assess any Application. The ARB reserves the right to deny any Application which may result in a negative impact on surrounding areas. Owners are solely responsible for determining the necessity of, and obtaining the approval of, any appropriate authority or governmental agency, including obtaining any necessary construction permits, prior to construction or installation of any improvement, addition or alteration of a Lot or Structure.” This paragraph explicitly states that any change permanent or temporary to the exterior appearance of one’s property must be approved by the Architectural Review Board. Further, once a plan is approved it must be followed or a modification must be approved in accordance with Article VIII, Section 6."


It is important to understand that Architectural Review Board approval is not limited to major alterations such as adding a room or deck to a house, but includes such items as changes in color and materials, etc. Approval is also required when an existing item is to be removed. Each application is reviewed on an individual basis. The Architectural Review Board must act upon all applicants within forty-five (45) calendar days after the staff has accepted it per Article VIII Section 7 of the Declaration. Per these Guidelines, there are some instances where no application is needed so long as the specific requirements as stated in these Guidelines are met.



The Architectural Review Board evaluates all submissions on the individual merits of the application. Besides evaluation of the particular design proposal this includes consideration of the characteristics of the housing type and the individual site, since what may be an acceptable design of an exterior in one instance may not be for another. Design decisions made by the Architectural Review Board in reviewing applications are not based on any individual’s personal opinion or taste. Judgments of acceptable design are based on the following criteria, which represent in more specific terms the general standards of the Association Documents.


Relation to the Greenfield Crossing Open Space Concept: Fencing, for example, can have damaging effects on open space. Other factors such as removal of trees, disruption of the natural topography and changes in rate or direction of storm water run-off can also adversely affect the open space in Greenfield Crossing.


Validity of Concept: The basic idea must be sound and appropriate to its surroundings.


Design Compatibility: The proposed improvement must be compatible with the architectural characteristics of the applicant’s house, adjoining houses, and the neighborhood setting. Compatibility is defined as similarity in architectural style, quality of workmanship, similar use of materials, color, and construction details.


Location and Impact of Neighbors: The proposed alteration should relate favorably to the landscape, the existing structure, and the neighborhood. The primary concerns are access, view, sunlight, ventilation, and drainage. For example, fences may obstruct views, breezes or access to neighboring property; decks or larger additions may cause unwanted shadows on an adjacent patio property or infringe on a neighbor's privacy.


Scale: The size (in three (3) dimensions) of the proposed alteration should relate well to adjacent structures and its surroundings.


Color: Color may be used to soften or intensify visual impact. Parts of the addition that are similar to the existing house such as roofs and trim must be matching in color.


Materials: Continuity is established by use of the same or compatible materials as were used in the original house. The options may be limited somewhat by the design and materials of the original house. For instance, vinyl siding on the original house should be reflected in an addition.


Workmanship: Workmanship is another standard, which is applied to all exterior alterations. The quality of work should be equal to or better than that of the surrounding area. Greenfield Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the safety of new construction by design or workmanship. 


Timing: Projects that remain incomplete for long periods of time are visually objectionable and can be a nuisance and safety hazard for neighbors and community. All projects obtaining approval shall be completed as approved within 6 months after the date of approval or within such other period as specified in the approval. If any such project is not completed as approved within 6 months after approval, or such other time period determined by the Committee, the approval shall lapse. An extension may be requested. 


Site Appearance: A daily cleanup of construction materials is required. Debris must be secured in a container and materials neatly and securely stored. 




The Guidelines may be amended to provide clarification, reflect changed conditions, or technology. Owners shall submit to the Greenfield Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc. requests for additions or changes to the Guidelines. The Architectural Review Board may conduct a yearly evaluation of the Guidelines to determine if amendments are required and may make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Amendments proposed by the Architectural Review Board must be adopted by the Board of Directors.




Application content requirements are spelled out under each of the following sections in the ARB Design Guidelines. The application forms call for information helpful to the Architectural Review Board, including any additional information, which may be useful in determining the scope and detail of the proposal. The Board requires the signatures of the two (2) neighbors who are most affected because they are adjacent to and/or have a view of the changes/modifications. If, however, the applicant has attempted to obtain signatures and the neighbor(s) is(are) unwilling or unable to sign the application, the applicant must mail a copy of the application, containing the required information, by first-class mail to the two (2) neighbors previously mentioned. Failure to do so will constitute cause for the ARB to reject the pending application or rescind approval of such application, and shall be enforceable by Article VIII, Section 8 of the Declaration. The Architectural Review Board may wave this provision, in whole or in part, if those lots affected are unoccupied.



A site plan is required as part of most applications. A site plan is a scaled drawing of your lot (site) which shows exact dimensions of the property, adjacent properties if applicable and all improvements including those covered by the application. Contour lines are required where drainage is a consideration. In most cases, the site plan for single applications should be developed from the house location survey provided to you when you purchase your home. More complex applications may require larger scale (20 or 10 scale) blowups of the plat plan or county approved development or site plans.


Applications must be submitted by Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, to the ARB in the care of the Association’s Management Firm. The Management Firm will check each application for complete information. If information that is pertinent for the review of the application is missing, the Management Firm will return the application as incomplete. If the application is complete, the review process begins. The Architectural Review Board must act upon all applicants within forty-five (45) calendar days after the staff has accepted it per Article VIII Section 7 of the Declaration. All effort will be made to inform residents of the meeting dates of the Architectural Review Committee meetings at which time the applications will be reviewed. Applicants with special cases that require an interpretation of the application will be notified and asked to be present for the meeting concerning their case. The decisions of the Architectural Review Board will be sent by letter or email to the address on the application. An appeals procedure exists for those affected by an Architectural Review Board decision. The appeal should be made to the Board of Directors.


Appeals will be heard if the applicant or those affected feel that any of the following criteria were not met by the Board when reviewing the application:

1. Proper procedures were followed during the administration and review process.

2. The applicant and any other affected residents attending the meeting were not given a fair hearing.

3. The Architectural Review Board decision was not arbitrary but had a rational basis.

To initiate the appeals procedure the applicants, or other affected residents may appeals decision of the Architectural Review Board to the Board of Directors by giving written notice of such appeal to the Association within twenty (20) days of the adverse ruling, which appeal must be submitted by Registered Mail or Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested as stated in Article 8, Section 9 of the Declaration. The Board of Directors shall review the appeal and provide a ruling no longer than 45 days after receipt. All decisions by the Board of Directors shall be final and binding.


​Can I put more than one modification on the same application?


No, please have only one modification per application.

Board of Directors Meeting

Date & Time: Every 2nd Monday of each Month @ 6PM


Location: Dulles South Public Safety Center

(25216 Loudoun County Pkwy, Chantilly, VA 20152)


ARB Meeting

Date & Time: Every 2nd Wednesday of each Month @ 6PM


Location: Online (Dial-in Delivered via Message Board)


© 2025 Greenfield Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc. (Aldie, VA)

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